According to Bharat Bhise, medical and cosmetic science has advanced a great deal and made skin treatments safer than they used to be. Moreover, the obsession with having smooth and glistening skin has only risen in recent years. However, that doesn’t mean you should be actively seeking skin treatment. Let’s check out variables to keep in mind before opting for any skin treatment.
The Considerations
- Skin Type – Before you opt for skin treatment, it’s important to figure out the type of skin you have. Do you have dry or oily skin? Is your skin hypersensitive? Ask yourself these questions and if you’re unable to come up with concrete answers through this exchange, it’s time to consult a reputed dermatologist. A dermatologist would be able to diagnose the type of skin you have, and how it reacts with metal and other substances and can help you with the right information necessary for skin treatment.
Skin type has a significant influence on the kind of skin treatment that’s appropriate for you. If you have delicate skin that is hypersensitive to certain things, those items need to be eliminated from the skin treatment procedure. On the other hand, if you have oily skin that produces ample amounts of sebum, any kind of skin treatment that involves the use of oil may be ineffective. The same holds for buying skin medicine.
- Cause of skin problems – When you’re experiencing a skin problem, it’s important to know what’s causing it before you jump to skin treatment. As mentioned above, there are different types of medicines and treatment procedures for different skin types, and the same holds for various types of skin problems with different underlying causes.
Usually, skin deserts are caused by exposure to harsh UV rays from the sun or due to a skin condition. In some cases, change in eating habits or hormonal changes can also cause spots on the skin. In some cases, exposure to the sun can change pigmentation and may be the right treatment. In other cases, skin breakouts and dark circles are a result of an unbalanced diet and that requires a change in eating habits. So, to come up with the right strategy, knowing the cause of skin imperfection is vital.
- Natural vs misleadingly initiated skin imperfection – Usually, the skin is structurally unblemished. However, over time it can get scrapped and face other problems. However, it’s important to figure out if that skin imperfection is happening naturally or if it’s been unintentionally initiated.
If it has been unintentionally initiated, it may get fixed by itself and skin treatment may incur additional damage. On the other hand, if there are imperfections due to n natural causes, an appropriate skin treatment can be devised.
Bharat Bhise suggests that you keep the above-mentioned variables in mind before opting for skin treatment. Despite the advancements in dermatology and medical science, it still comes with a lot of risks and is quite expensive.